The scope of services of I date art.® includes, in addition to consulting and appraisal activities, the offer to conduct seminars, university courses and workshops thematically related to the art market. The events are offered in German and English and take place worldwide.
For Universities & Graduates:
Together with the Caspar David Friedrich Institute in Greifswald and other educational institutions, I date art.® offers the following seminars
Money & Art. Working in the art sector
My house, my car, my art collection. Art collecting as an expression of prestige and contemporary patronage
The piece is sold! US$450 Millions in 19 minutes. The International Art Market
The artist as an entrepreneur
Political Germany in the mirror of Contemporary Art. The artist as a critical contemporary witness?
Blue Gold. Color pigments as the origin of artistic expression
The employment opportunities after studying art history and fine arts are diverse and by no means limited to a career in the museum. The free economy and especially the art market offer young graduates a variety of entry-level opportunities, also in combination with subjects such as law and business administration. The event introduces interested students to various professional fields such as art logistics, art appraiser/expert, art insurance, gallery owner, collection assistance, curator, asset management and shows that exciting entry fields are also possible in the financial world.
For Society:
What is the current market value of the Mona Lisa? Why should art be interesting as an investment object for my portfolio? Why do 275 executive jets land in Maastricht, Netherlands once a year and how is this connected to art? These questions could be discussed in the course of lectures with topics like art trade and fairs, methods and recognition of falsifications, authenticity, creation index, difference between referee and expert, art as asset class/ investment/ financial object/ prestige good, contemporary and modern art. The lectures can be arranged academically or casually, to deepen or refresh acquired knowledge. In either case they can be an enrichment for interdisciplinary approaches or inspiring discussions, both in a public and in a private environment.
For companies & Start-Ups:
Innovation through interdisciplinary approaches. I date art. offers workshops for members of the art market and companies of other branches, who wish to broaden their professional horizons or want to derive insights from the art specific mechanisms for their corporate structure. These workshops can be arranged as a teambuilding event or as a seminar on management level to set a change of perspectives.
The time frame and the focus of the workshops, seminars and lectures will be jointly agreed upon the requirements of the customer and discussed in advance. This leaves enough space for the individual orientation, to precisely convey knowledge and recent approaches.