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A stock at the wall. Art Investment for Beginners
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The piece is sold! US$450 Millionen in 19 Minuten. Der internationale Kunstmarkt
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Dr. Franziska Ida Neumann, born 1985 in Bergen on the island of Rügen, Germany.
---> Art Expert, Speaker, Book Author, Columnist
University Background
2005 – 2011 Studies of law, economics, history of art and german language at universities in Germany and France
2011 – 2013 Master's degree in history of art focused on Contemporary and Modern Art at the Sorbonne University and the Ècole du Louvre, Paris
2013 – 2017 PhD in Art History at the Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institute, University of Greifswald, rated "magna cum laude"
Professional Career
2006 – 2015 Professional and scientific experiences by working at i.a. Kunsthalle Rostock; Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle, Berlin; Sotheby’s, Hambourg; Gallery fiedler.taubert contemporary, Berlin; Cultural Department of the Land of Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania at the European Union in Brussels
2015 – 2018 Art Lending/ Loan Management at Westend Art Bank AG (former Privatbank Berlin von 1929 AG), Berlin
2018 Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin, I date art. ART CONSULTING & LECTURING UG & Co. KG
2018-2022 Lehrauftrag zu den Themen Internationaler Kunstmarkt, Bildende Kunst und Kunstsammlungen, Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institut, Universität Greifswald
2018 – 2022 Columnist: Art Market News, OWNLY Digital Family Office, Hambourg
2020 Book Author "How to build a fortune with Picasso & Co... And why in the end not everyone can become rich with art", FinanzBuch Verlag, Munich
2022 Buchautorin „Eine hodenlose Frechheit – Vom Männer-Dilemma moderner Frauen“, geschrieben unter dem Pseudonym Ida von Wegen, Bastei Lübbe AG, Köln